If you like all the features in Gmail, you will like Inbox even better. It is like having a personal assistant for your email.
Don’t worry, it won’t replace your gmail in case you switch. You can still use the same Gmail screen
Google launched a new email app, separate from Gmail, called Inbox.
First impressions: It makes it easier to get through your mail and clearing your inbox. All your messages are pre-filtered and categorized either according to sender or subject. You will see a preview text on each line and a preview of attachments like images, videos, pdf’s or folders.
Useful features:
Mark email as done and clear it away
it gets moved into a “Done” folder where you can review it later in case you still need it
Pin important emails and sweep the rest away
When you pin messages, you can switch switch between from all email view to pinned emails only. And if you click the double checkbox icon, it marks the rest of the email as ‘Done’ and moves them into the ‘Done’ section.
Each message you pin lets you set a reminder
Snooze messages and be reminded at the time you choose
Prefer to deal with the message at a time you want? Click on the snooze and set a schedule to be reminded of the email message.
Easily compose a message to your recent contacts
Near the compose message button you will find the last 3 email addresses you have contacted with which you could instantly compose a message for without having to type in their email addresses. You can also set a reminder and it will be in the reminders section.
Choose which type and when you’d like to receive messages
Each ‘bundle’ you create has a notification setting so you can choose when to get alerted from certain emails
Overall, I like the new inbox. It makes your email easier to view similar to Facebook feed which automatically shows the snippets, images and links.
If you like to use Inbox, you can request an invite by sending an email to [email protected]. It is open to gmail accounts only at the moment.
Looking forward to use Inbox for Google Apps.
Inbox app is also available for iOS and Android